
A Fitness Tracker for your Finances

  • Dashboard

    See all your finances on one screen

    Keep an eye on your accounts and investments — including mortgages, personal loans, super, property, shares and credit cards.

    Even set up goals and we'll keep you posted on your progress.

  • Financial fitness tracker email

    Your financial fitness tracker

    We'll send out a weekly snapshot to keep you posted on what's happening inside the app.

    It will show you where your money's going, how your spending is changing over time and how you're tracking towards your goals. We'll also send you any offers we've found to save you money.

  • Guided setup

    Easy guided setup

    Automated tutorials at every stage will help you get started and local, in-app support is always there to help.

    Simple link your accounts and you're on your way.


Why should I use this service?

More than ever, it’s important to track your money, particularly if you’re looking for finance. Wealth Desk will show you all your money and assets at a glance. It will also proactively help you keep track and get into good financial shape. Think of it like a fitness tracker for your finances.

If you are thinking of a loan it's a great idea to get underway with this before you even approach a lender.

How does it work?

Simply connect all your accounts into your app and we'll categorise all your spending so you can see where it all goes. You can set up Goals and we'll let you know if you're on track.

Then we'll email you a snapshot of your spending and goals every week. That's it! Check it out here.

Accounting and tax time is a breeze

The platform can help you manage your finances and easily gather information needed at tax time. For example, you can tag all the things you want to claim, and report on them instantly.

Sign up is secure and fast

It only takes a few moments to set up and uses the same online security systems as your bank. If you need help at any stage just let us know.